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MSc in Motorsport

Offered by the Audi Hungaria Faculty of Automotive Engineering at Széchenyi University in Győr, Hungary - aims to provide state-of-the-art practice-oriented know-how in the field of racecar and race-motorbike design, testing and operation. The program is 1-year long and consists of 12 courses organized in 6 modules. 

Each module is 5 weeks long, during which 2 courses are covered in an intensive, project-based educational form. This means that each course starts with the assignment of a Course-Related Project, followed by Lectures covering the theoretical background of the course as well as Practice Sessions and Consultations, where the know-how needed for the practical implementation of the theory as well for solving the Project are imparted to the students. 

In addition to the coursework, renowned Experts with Motorsport or F1 experience will be invited in each Module to a 1-2 day interaction with the students to provide insight into specific deep-dive topics. 

The program starts in February each year, which allows the particiaption of students in practice oriented activities at Partner Race Teams during the racing period in summer.   

Duration:                        1 year

Next start date:              February 2025

Number of courses:      12 

Format:                            6 Modules of 5 weeks length,  
                                          with 2 courses covered in each



In each module, students will be given a chance to learn directly from renowned Motorsport experts, many with current or former F1 experience. The interaction will involve a guest lecture or workshop in a specific deep-dive topic in Motorsport or F1 as well as a Speaker’s Corner, where students can exchange information first-hand with the Geust Experts. The total interaction time with each Guest Expert will vary between half day and 2 days, depending on the Experts availability availability. A total of 6 Experts will be secured for the entire duration of the program, i.e. one per each 5-weeks long module. 

In academic year 2025, we are proud to present the following lineup of Motorsport / F1 Experts. 



Students in the program will have a chance to interact with at least one from a number of Partner Race Teams or Partners listed below. 

Partner Race Teams will define practically relevant problems to be solved by the students in the form of a Course-Related Project* or a full  MSc Thesis*.


Interaction will involve a series of consultations with a member of a Race Team during the solution of the Team defined problem and/or visit of the Team, of a test event, or of a race event**.  

The list of the current Partner Race Teams and Partners is listed below. 

* Note that due to academic regulations, beside the Partner Race Team member, Course-Related Projects and MSc Theses will be co-supervised by a University teaching staff member as well.  

** All students will be guarenteed to interact with at least one of the partnering Race Teams or Partners. Costs of travelling to visit the Teams or to participate at a test or race event shall be covered by the students.  


As many as 8 of the 12 courses offered in the program will be taught by topic-specific Guest Lecturers with real-life racing and/or industrial experience. This ensures that the contents taught to the students are practically relevant and up-to-date. The Guest Lecturers will teach a full course, i.e. a total of about 50 hrs of interaction is ensured with them (including the lectures and practice sessions). The Guest Lecturers and the courses taught by them in 2025 are listed below. 



International student tuition fee: 7 000 EUR/year


Application deadline: 15 September 2024

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